Pimps for Jesus!
This week, we have a special contribution from a dear friend of mine.. Goldie McDawg..
Over to you Mr McDawg..
People accuse us pimps of being immoral. But I say to you.. I have found the Lord and do his bidding in my work.
1. The Lord, or his representative on earth, the Rev Pat Robertson, sayeth to me.. that we shall stop the scrouge of AIDS if people abstain till they are married. So I only employ married women.
2. The Lord, or his representative on earth, the Rev Pat Robertson, sayeth to me.. it was the sin of Eve that cast man from the garden. So I figures, she's good with playing with the snake and all.
3. I do this as a charity. I help the downtrodden.. like them on crack and all..
So dont hate. Instead, join one of my organizations- Pimps for Jesus, Pimps for Bush, or Pimps for Life.