Monday, April 06, 2009

The disease of the day is...


Once a devastating and fearful ailment, this oldie but goldie has itself been devastated by modern science. The highway of progress has reduced this once and mighty and repulsive sickness to a cliche.

I myself am guilty of forgetting this awesome insult. I used the word 'leper' in an email today but a quick search of my mailbox showed that had used it only once before in an email. Absolutely careless of me...

Anyway, I recently read an article that described how lepers in this day and age were still treated as (surprise surprise) lepers. So whats if its still a completely curable disease, its still an iconic insult from time immemorial. We cannot allow the needs of a small scattering of pitiful humans to dictate the offensive capabilities of the larger healthier human population.

The best leper cartoon I saw was on some music video channel. MTV or VH1. its called "Leprosy Nachos". it may be on youtube or elsewhere. Not for the light hearted. It may make you throw up.

Hey leprosy ain't great but that's no reason to commit bacterial genocide. It has some plus points too. Without leprosy, there would be fewer beggars and everyone wants more beggars right? Also what would nuns in need of spiritually rewarding work do?

You know what would be really cool? Giving leprosy to these. Wouldn't you be confused then? Should you treat them like lepers or pariahs or mangy mongrels?  Knowing the right etiquette is not easy.


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