Friday, March 20, 2009

childhood memories

what was cool about childhood? Toys! yay!

whats were the cool toys? He-Man! hell yeah!

Which action figure did I have? Stinkor! booyah!

What or who is Stinkor? Check it out here at wikipedia

Wow, what a power to have!

At a time when all toys were America-centric, Stinkor was a shining example for indian boys and girls. No blond, blue eyed hero would have the appeal that the humble stinkor clearly did.

And see now, so many years later and all grown up, the average engineering student is:

evil, ugly and stinking to high heaven. Why, there must be millions of desi stinkors of both genders roaming around across the world!

Hurray for he-man! boo to deodarant and personal hygiene, boo!


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