Friday, October 06, 2006

Bombay, Grand old lady of the Arabian Sea

Grand in the corpulent sense. Old in the foul mouthed, no longer bathes, crazy way.

Ah, what can I say about the denizens of this large and filthy city? Well if I was in the 'if you don't have anything nice to say....' school of though I would probably have nothing to tell you about those skunks.

It has always been a large and filthy city. This has now changed. That's right, the name has recently changed. Mumbai is what the scum of the city affectionately refer to their nauseating home as. As affectionately as you can under threat of bodily harm by shiv sainiks. Much of Bombay's forward and progressive culture is driven by this threat of bodily harm by shiv sainiks. Boy I wish I had such a wonderful team of hoodlums beating the wicked western ways out of me. Slowly but surely they will rid the shit-hole of moral turpitude such as holding hands, looking at the sea, valentine's day, pants, watching fashion tv, deodorant use etc.

I have been to mumbai only twice. It is a peaceful, slow, sterile place. Or so it appeared to be the case as I was fortunately restricted to the transit lounge in the airport both times thus spared the traumatizing sights and smells of India's very own version of Calcutta.

Mumbaikars as they like to refer to their morally bankrupt species, are idiots. I believe I have covered all there is to know about bombay. Bombay sucks turd.


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