Monday, October 02, 2006


On Friday, a colleague at work remarked that the milk in the fridge was bad and had the consistency of ricotta cheese. Its now Monday and I find the milk carton remains in its shelf. It was thoughtful of him to leave it there for others to delight in the discovery of curdled milk. It was even more considerate of me to have not thrown it out last Thursday when I had found it spoiled.

Meanwhile in Delhi, cycle rickshaws are being banned in a heavily congested area.

A sensible idea although the rickshaw drivers (pullers? operators?) do fear for their livelihoods. One of them released this dire warning:

"We're poor people, so what else can we do?" asks one rickshaw-puller, Dravida.

"If we can't do this we will have to turn to crime or return to our villages."

Beware the hordes of scrawny, underfed rickshaw wallahs who may threaten you with their puny physiques.  This reminds me of my college days when three or four of us would clamber onto a rickshaw to go uphill in the sweltering heat and then bicker with half-dead rickshaw wallah for a three rupee fare instead of four.  Ah the good old days.

In other news, the mickey mouse balloon had been replaced by what must be the mother of all inflated rats. This giant balloon rat stood at least thirty feet high glowering down at the puny mortals that dare cross the union line. We bow to you oh enormous balloon rat.

Scrabble has turned out to have some pretty shitty allowables as I learnt this weekend. Almost any two or three letter combination is allowed. The phonetic pronounciation of alphabets is ok. What the hell is up with that?

Dee is a legitimate word and so is Ai. Here is a new word for them: Tatti


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