Friday, October 30, 2009

metaphysical chappals and separately an old game

And once again here I am in delhi yet I am unable to feast. a bacteria or rotovirus or tapeworm has demolished my intestines and with each visit to the WC i leak a little more towards blissful death down the toilet...

the long bedridden hours are a fertile world for me to muse and hence enlighten you illiterate ingrates. Here are some salient thoughts to keep you educated and informed for at least a decade.

1. Babur nama- yes i have been reading the Penguin Classic translation of that worthy midget's journal. Despite being short of stature he himself refers to undesirable people as miserable dwarves! Barvo Babur, king of french elephants. But wait theres more! Look at his innocous passage relating statements made during a wine party:

"Let whoever speaks like a Sart {i.e. in Persian) drink a cup"

Did you see that? I mean Wow, the emperor was totally into drinking games! they had another round for those who speak turkish. good times padshah! this is hundreds of years ago. respeck

2. Metaphysical chappals:
I saw the most miserable pair of bata chappals loitering near my house. The top white part has completely eroded and so has the bottom blue part. There is only the theoretical space between the blue and white that remains. how the hell can someone wear this. what kind of servant is so much in denial of the nonexistence of their footwear that they can continue to perpetrate this heresy to quantum, string, newtonian and baba sehgal physics. Does the servant wear the chappals or do the chappals wear the servant? philosphers might die trying to figure that out. brain explosions

3. A bonus though for you losers! Knockout beer. Hell yeah i remember ads for this. There is a guy boxing, he beats someone else and some chick appears and gives him  this tall mug of urninal fluid and as he drinks it, he grimaces. hell yeah, the boxer is all like 'yuck' omg lol. what a badass beer. You can read more about it here:


And look, it is an all star cast of the best beers on earth.

haywards, fosters, royal challenge. wow you are spoiled for choice in this plethora of urinal goodness.

check out the blurb:

"Today there are millions of consumers in the states of Karnataka, Maharashtra, AP, and some parts of the northern India for whom the brand has come to acquire an iconic status.

The popularity of the brand can be gauged by the fact, that despite being available only in limited markets, around 3 lakh bottles of Knock Out Beers are guzzled by the consumers everyday. "

guzzle away you non-northern indian folk!

4. ok fine one more for you. what do you call a delicious liver concotion made out of owls?

Ulloo ke Pâté

nyuk nyuk nyuk


Blogger Rama Rama said...

Your turds will have worms now. Beware! They might bite you in the ass.

2:02 PM  

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