Family Guy joke methodology
In a recent episode of South Park I learnt that the Family Guy scriptwriters are manatees. The manatees randomly select a few words/phrases and the joke is made out of that set. As Cartman noted, the jokes are not derived from the plot. Mostly everyone knows that Cartman is always right, mostly.
So here is a list I would like to see them try and make a gag out of:
1. the Tower of Silence
2. My Little Pony
3. a Rat's Ass
4. Pompatus of Love
5. a Monkey's Uncle
6. Intergalactic Planetary
7. Kwisatz Haderach
This mighty challenge is beyond their abilities so I will apply my gravity inducing intellect to the task. Combining* all these I get:
'bah weep graaagnah wheep ni ni bong'
This is coincidentally the universal greeting of the Transformers. If you were unable to recognise any of the references above, you are an idiot. Even if you can identify them, there is a high chance that you are and will persist in being an idiot.
* Chacha Zeminky's brain works faster than a 386 running Windows 95 whose hard disk needs defragmentation.
This is almost as bad as the time when I decided to play Jerry Seinfeld's voice in the 6th season.
"Gimme that you old bag. Have you ever noticed how large women with small dogs always seem to wear bad perfume? Salsaseltzersalsaseltzer. OhhelloNoooommmmann."
*Jumps up in maniacal fury, rips off tight sailor suit and then takes a large bite out of Newman's neck*
Note: There was no Windows 95 during the reign of the 386s. They either ran MS DOS or Windows 3.x
Therefore you donot have a brain, Chachacha.
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