Friday, July 21, 2006


Outside it thundered and stormed. Within the chamber there was a rumbling of a different storm. A man was fighting the demons within. Veins on his forehead bulged as he roared. "Out! Out! Leave my corpus, be gone to Hades!” The fight had not been in his favour but he would not succumb. He prayed to his gods for courage, gathered all his strength and performed the ritual of exorcism.

However, the demons were strong and they would not leave painlessly. Some were expelled the remainders seemed to increase in number. They sent shooting pain through his body and he gasped, unable to breathe.

"Leave me! Why?!" He did not understand why he was being punished so.

Somewhere in his head a voice whispered. "For the lives you consumed, for the life. We are the vengeance of innocent souls"

In the madness and pain, he knew that the voice was his own and he knew the words to be true. He had fed on life and delighted in it. Yet now, only the stench of death surrounded him. In his weakened state the demons struck again.

"Mercy" he whispered in a hoarse voice, tears in his eyes. "No more, no more".

The battle raged on, man versus the vengeful spirits. He was nearly broken but he would not be defeated and in the end his body was exhausted, slick with sweat and the demons were gone. A peace settled over his features, the worst was over. He prayed in gratitude to the gods and proceeded to perform the ritual of cleansing.

He glared in consternation at the rod devoid of the sacred parchment. The ceremony could not be completed.

"Dang, I'm out of toilet paper. Never gonna eat oysters again." He muttered to himself

Some of you may think that exorcisms are amusing but even the holiest and most virtuous succumb to the whispers of the evil one. Even Mother Teresa had an exorcism performed on her.

It is quite unlikely that the symptoms were due to old age and senility. Satan likes nothing better than to give old people insomnia. Satan also likes to hide the TV remote. He's a cheeky one, he is.


Blogger frantyck said...

Do without toilet paper man, what kind of Asian are you? Frankly I had entirely different thoughts when you mentioned sacred rods.

1:48 PM  

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