Thursday, June 01, 2006

are women smarter than men? I say no

People like to waste their time debating over sweeping generalisations such as men being smarter than women and vice versa. So are women smarter than men? The answer is a resounding no. Try and follow my logic now. By the end of my explanation you will have a clear understanding of my rationale. Prepare to be surprised. Here goes, women are not smarter than men because they are idiots. Hence proved.

The wiser amongst you might then state that based on my irrefutable logic, men are smarter than women. That is not true. Men are also idiots. In fact if you compare any gender, race, country or whatever fancy-ass demographic you can think of, one set will not be smarter than the other because they are all idiots. If you disagree with me you are an oversized idiot and I will destroy you.


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