Thursday, February 15, 2007

First Impressions

First Impressions can be deceiving. There are layers within layers and while some interactions can be initially confusing and even somewhat unpleasant, it behooves one to make the effort to get to the core and grok that which you are trying to understand (goddamn you robert heinlein for creating a spectacularly useful if not nerdy word in an otherwise retarded novel). Behold this holy anecdotal tale of an anecdote.

And so it was with me and Take 5. At first bite it was lumpy and inconsistent with unexpected flavours. It tasted like some weirdass crunchy sweet salty weird ass thing. It being a Hershey's candy, I immediately denounced it as nasty and catering to quirky niche tastes. Then in a time of chocolate shortage, I was forced to reassess the candy and reintroduce myself to it. It was then that I realized the truth that it was an entire pretzel covered with chocolate. This is not a chocolate covered pretzel, my friends. It is a fully armed and operational salty pretzel that is completely and lovingly cocooned in chocolate. Thus the powers of chocolate and pretzel are synergised into one delightful eating experience. This is not a chocolate covered pretzel you assholes, its like eating a pretzel and a chocolate.

Remember pupils, in life we must strive to seek the pretzel within one another and not be discouraged by the salty tasting parts. Thats right, bond with the salty tasting parts...

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