Monday, November 27, 2006


burningyellowcandles and the kashewnut were watching the telly. New york city decided to educate them on the risks of puffing on cancer sticks. They promptly went out and smoked cigarettes.

Some days later, with fate and destiny against me I was reduced to washing dishes in the kashewnut's kitchen. He uses a fancy ass detergent called Dawn Direct Foam. This is a stunning breakthrough in the dish-washing liquid industry and will revolutionize the lives of people who don't have dishwashers or Latino maids. That was a trick statement. If you cant afford a dishwasher you cannot afford illegal immigrants. In any case, this wonderful new cleaning aid has an unexpected side effect. It smells like cinthol or perhaps some soap that in turn reminds me of ninth and tenth standard in boarding school. So what does a shower mean to a ninth or tenth standard lad? Some of you have already skipped ahead and I'll help the rest of you catch up. It means wanking. That's right, washing dishes with Dawn Direct Foam reminds of wanking. I hope you are happy now. Turds.

Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.


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