Thursday, August 31, 2006

Pradeep and Kanan, a love story

Once upon a time in 1967, a tiger named Pradeep was chilling out in the Orissa zoo. The zoo had been built recently and Pradeep had his own open enclosure. Pradeep is dead now but its safe to assume he was very happy in his modern,  bachelor pad.

One day a wild tigress emerged out of the surrounding forest and jumped into Pradeep's enclosure. Zoo administrators were astonished to find two tigers in the enclosure. As a tribute to the spirit of the wilderness, they decided to honour the bond between the two great cats by never releasing the tigress and naming her Kanan.

You would say that Kanan got a raw deal, one day she was running wild and free, the next she was in a zoo. That's her problem. The real victim here is Pradeep. Pradeep had no say in the matter. The stupid she tiger comes into his home uninvited and ruined his pimpin' single lifestyle.

Below is an extract from some website:
    On the 5th January, 1967 at  night  she
jumped over the fencing and fell into a ditch full of water
inside the tiger enclosure. The tiger inside that open-door
cage rushed out and attacked Kanan. They fought bitterly
until both lay exhausted. The keepers of the zoo finding
them with many bleeding wounds sprayed them with dettol, but
they ran away from the spray in different directions. Next
day both of them came back to be sprayed again. A few days
of this treatment cured their wound. But they never made
friends. The tiger continued to sleep in his cage while
Kanan roamed about in the bushes inside the enclosure. Even
after nine years they could not be friends. While other
animals can be tamed enough to respond to their names being
called and come near either to be patted or fed, Kanan's
response is merely a growl.
Somehow, the bit about them coming back to get sprayed with dettol doesn't seem like normal animal behaviour. Also, the zoo's vets needed some training if their idea of healing animals is spraying them with dettol.


Blogger Coroneus said...

Yes, its despicable. Especially considering the fact that in those ancient days, they had so much ayurvedic wisdom at their disposal. Where's tiger balm when you need it the most?

10:37 AM  
Blogger zen said...

So from the story I gather that the tigers "came back to be sprayed with dettol", but Kanan would not "come near either to be fed or patted"..

I'm thinking this is some biased reporting. Or some seriously dumb tigers.

5:06 PM  

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