Friday, November 07, 2008

oldie but goldie

periodically i google for my favourite news stories and hope that some sort of follow up i available. But alas journalists are slackers and can't be relied to do anything useful.

Anyway, this is an old but true story for which I can't get a leget link. By legit I mean like an accredited news source. Somehow this brilliant story has been forgotten by the ungainly youth of today. I wish there was more info available on what happened later.

Despite the somewhat subjective re-rerporting style of this writer, that really is what happened. (long time ago mind you)

Elephants came, man ran up tree. Elephant pulled him off and broke his legs. Other villagers tried scaring the pachyderm off and dumbo laid the smackdown on hapless man (There was actually a significant period between elephant taking posession of broken man and killing him). Elephant then roamed around with the corpse and took it with him everywhere. Thats awesome. Animals are great. especially Indian animals. They take babies, trample humans, feed on dogs, eat humans, get drunk, take the bus, steal things. I am not making any of this up.

P.S. There was an unverified rumour that some sort of predator like a leopard or something took off with the body as a snack.


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